Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Relay for Life 2010 Kickoff Event!!

Hi Family Members! It's officially that time of year again! Here is the email we just received announcing the Kickoff for this year's 2010 Relay for Life (which is to be held June 25-26, so save those dates!). It's kind of last minute notice, but for those of you in the Rexburg area, this sounds like it could be a really fun time!! Here's the email which includes all the information you need:
Hello Relayers! We hope that your Relay experience last year
was a memorable one and that you are ready to join us in the fight against
cancer again this year. If you haven't yet talked to your 2009 team captain
about forming a team, we hope you will do so. If they aren't going to be heading
up a team this year, please consider forming a team yourself. We'd LOVE to have
you join us.

We'd like to invite you to our 2010 Kick-Off. Come join us for
a fun filled night where you are sure to have a good time and feel the Relay

If you can't make it to our carnival, but would like to form a
team for the 2010 Relay, the 1/2 off registration fee will last through the end
of February. Please call Lisa-Marie Jensen at 359-9749 if you are interested in
registering or do so online at: www.relayforlife.org/rexburgid

Thanks for helping us CELEBRATE,

Relay for Life 2010 Kickoff Event!
"Super Heroes Fighting Cancer Carnival"

Feb. 16, 2010 6-8 P.M.
Adams Elementary School
110 North Second East, Rexburg

Please join us for a fun & free carnival, including games, prizes, treats, and entertainment!

We will be registering Teams for the 2010 Relay for Life, to be held June 25-26.
Team Captains that register and pay at Kick-off will receive 1/2 off registration fees!

Please bring your family and friends; this is a great place to learn more about Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society.

We especially invite Survivors to come to kick-off and register to be part of the Celebration of Life Survival Lap that is held at the beginning of the Relay event in June.

Please don’t hesitate to call Lisa-Marie Jensen with any questions. 359-9749
P.S. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks from our family team captains!